Biblioteca Digital do IPB
Publications Repository of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
The Digital Library of IPB (Biblioteca Digital do IPB), promotes and provides open access to scientific literature produced by the IPB academic community, promoting integration, visibility and sharing of scientific information granting the preservation of intellectual memory of the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança.
Recent Submissions
Implementation of +PERTO® in rehabilitation for total Knee arthroplasty: a pilot study
Publication . Araújo, Tiago Emanuel Soares de; Rodrigues, Elsa Paula Santos; Files, Ana Raquel Varejão; Ventura-Silva, João Miguel Almeida; Mendes, Jorge Eduardo Ferreira; Novo, André; Ribeiro, Olga Maria Pimenta Lopes
Background/Objectives: Total knee Arthroplasty (TKA) is a prevalent treatment modality for degenerative knee diseases. Nevertheless, the success of the intervention is contingent on effective rehabilitation. The +PERTO® program (a Technological Rehabilitation Nursing Program) was developed as a mobile application comprising three phases to support patients during the perioperative period by providing exercises, information, and direct communication with healthcare professionals. The present study aims to evaluate the effects and usability of the +PERTO® program in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty. Methods: In 2024, a hospital in northern Portugal conducted a pilot trial with eleven patients undergoing elective total knee arthroplasty. Researchers collected data both before surgery and six weeks after discharge. To evaluate effectiveness, software satisfaction, and usability, they used several assessment tools, including the Oxford Knee Score (OKS), SF-36v2, Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), QSEnf-10, and System Usability Scale (SUS). Researchers analyzed the data using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The hospital’s ethics committee and board of directors approved the study. Results: There was a significant reduction in pain (p = 0.041) and improvement in knee functionality (p = 0.010), physical performance (p = 0.038), and quality of life (p < 0.05). Patient satisfaction was high (QSEnf-10: 3.8/4), and the usability of +PERTO® was considered excellent (SUS: 96.6/100). Conclusions: The +PERTO® program proved to be an effective and innovative solution to support rehabilitation after TKA, promoting improvements in pain, functionality, and quality of life. This digital program stands out for its high rate of usability and its ability to modernize healthcare by providing a patient-centered approach.
Data Engineering Roadmap for Implementing Business Intelligence in Higher Education
Publication . Sequeira, Romeu; Reis, Arsénio; Branco, Frederico; Alves, Paulo
This article addresses the implementation of
Business Intelligence (BI) systems in Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs), focusing on developing an appropriate data
architecture that meets the specificities and requirements of this
sector. With the rapid advance of information technologies,
HEIs face the growing challenge of managing a considerable
volume of data, making it essential to implement BI systems that
support informed and efficient decision-making. Using the
Design Science Research methodology, this study proposes a BI
architecture model that aligns technologies with HEIs' academic
and administrative needs and facilitates their integration and
ongoing maintenance. The model is designed to be flexible and
scalable, allowing adaptations as institutional needs evolve. The
article describes the architecture development process, from
initial planning to implementation, and discusses how this
framework can significantly improve data management and the
quality of decision-making processes in educational institutions.
The research offers practical and theoretical insights for
academics and managers seeking to optimize the use of BI in
educational contexts.
Sewage sludge showed high agronomic value, releasing nitrogen faster than farmyard manure
Publication . Dimande, Paulo; Arrobas, Margarida; Correia, Carlos Manuel; Rodrigues, Manuel
The use of fertilizers in agriculture, particularly organic fertilizers such as sewage sludge, is a key research priority due to its impacts on crop productivity, production costs, environmental risks and the push for a more circular economy. This study, conducted in Bragan & ccedil;a, northeastern Portugal, focused on forage maize during the 2022 and 2023 growing seasons. Eight fertilization treatments were established corresponding to the application of mineral nitrogen (N) at rates of 50 (N50), 100 (N100), 150 (N150) and 200 (N200) kg ha(-1), three organic amendments applied at a rate equivalent to 200 kg ha(-1) of N, namely sewage sludge (SS200), cow manure (CM200) and sheep manure (SM200), and a non-fertilized control (N0), with the aim of assessing the agronomic value of these treatments for forage maize (Zea mays L.). Maize dry matter yield (DMY) ranged from 10.8 to 20.3 t ha(-1) in 2022 and 13.7 to 23.6 t ha(-1) in 2023 for N0 and N200, respectively. Organic amendments produced 14.7-17.7 t ha(-1) in 2022 and 20.5-24.4 t ha(-1 )in 2023. Increased mineral N rates resulted in higher soil inorganic N content, N concentration in leaves and N recovery in tissues, with organic amendments showing lower values than crops fertilized with N200. However, due to cumulative nutrient release, organic amendments improved DMY and N use efficiency in the second year. Sewage sludge mineralized rapidly due to its low carbon (C)/N ratio and absence of hard-to-degrade compounds. It is also rich in phosphorus (P), enhancing its fertilizing value. Although nitrate leaching and denitrification potential appeared lower with organic amendments, long-term applications may increase risks, requiring careful monitoring to ensure sustainable and safe practices.
Valorização de bolotas de Quercus pyrenaica como potencial fonte de óleo rico em compostos bioativos
Publication . Vitale Junior, Nelson; Falcão, Soraia; Vilas-Boas, Miguel; Grabicoski, Edilaine Mauricia Gelinski
O Parque Natural de Montesinho (PNM) é uma área protegida caracterizada
por uma paisagem de relevo, onde as florestas de carvalhos Quercus pyrenaica
desempenham um papel predominante, sendo utilizados maioritariamente para a
produção de madeira, desprezando-se o valor dos frutos, a bolota, apesar dos seus
usos ancestrais na alimentação humana e animal. Este produto florestal não lenhoso
é nutricionalmente rico,nutricionalmente rico, apresentando elevados valores de
amido, proteínas, minerais e gordura. Em particular, o óleo extraído das bolotas
apresenta características comparáveis às do azeite, com uma composição rica em
compostos bioativos e, portanto, um maior potencial para ser considerado para fins
industriais. Alguns estudos relativos à bolotas de outras espécies descrevem o óleo
como uma fonte de ácidos gordos insaturados e compostos bioativos, sendo que a
informação relativa ao óleo de bolota de Q. pyrenaica é escassa. Este trabalho
proposto tem como principal objetivo avaliar os métodos de extração do óleo e a sua
composição do óleo extraído da bolota de Q. pyrenaica desses métodos, no sentido
de valorizar o produto. Para isso, para a otimização do processo de extração, duas
metodologias de extração, soxlhet e ultrasons, foram avaliadas para o conteúdo
lipídico, bem como o perfil em ácidos graxos, vitamina D e tocoferóis. Em resumo,
o método Soxhlet com hexano demonstrou ser eficiente, resultando em extratos
concentrados e de alta qualidade. Essa técnica se mostra promissora para estudos
de óleos vegetais, especialmente em espécies com potencial bioativo ainda pouco
explorado. O estudo reforça a importância de métodos de extração otimizados para
aumentar o rendimento e a qualidade dos compostos bioativos, tornando o Soxhlet
com hexano uma escolha recomendada para futuras pesquisas sobre essa espécie.
Evaluation of LED photostimulation in the fermentation process of table olives and its impact on physico- chemical and microbiological parameters
Publication . Jemai, Eya; Martins, Maria de Fátima Tomé; Crugeira, Pedro; Charfi, Ichrak
The consumption of fermented foods has increased in recent years due to their potential
health benefits. Table olives are a fermented vegetable product, obtained from the fruits
of the olive tree (Olea europaea L.), and are considered an integral part of the
Mediterranean diet. Recognized for their sensory, chemical, and nutritional
characteristics, they have an autochthonous microflora of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria
(LAB), considered a source of probiotics. Among the various methods of obtaining table
olives, natural fermentation stands out. Carried out due to the action of microorganisms
present in the fruits, it is an artisanal, spontaneous, and very slow process, requiring
several months to remove the bitterness of the olives and obtain a quality product. This
process depends on several factors, essentially the interactions resulting from the
consortium of microorganisms inhabiting this environment. In the last decade, table olive
producers have been improving the process by introducing some practices, that promote
microbial activity, but the time required to obtain edible olives is still very long.
Photostimulation with LED light is a practice that has been explored in several areas,
including food processing. Light acts as a promoter of the growth of microorganisms,
interfering with bioprocesses. In this sense, this study evaluated the effect of LED
photostimulation on the natural fermentation of Negrinha de Freixo black olives,
focusing on physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory changes. The fermentation
process was monitored under red LED light irradiation (630 ± 10 nm) to assess its impact
on pH, titratable acidity, salt content, total phenolic compounds, texture, color, and
microbial growth in both olives and brine. Results revealed that LED irradiation
significantly influenced the fermentation dynamics, promoting higher microbial activity,
particularly in yeasts and lactic acid bacteria (LAB), which accelerated the acidification
process and improved microbial counts compared to non-irradiated samples.
The irradiated olives retained higher hardness and cohesiveness, indicating better
structural integrity. In terms of color, there was an increased lightness, redness, and
chroma in irradiated olives, enhancing the visual appeal of the final product. The total
phenolic content in irradiated olive samples decreased, suggesting that LED light may
help reduce bitterness. Sensory analysis indicated that irradiated olives had improved
taste attributes, such as enhanced saltiness and reduced bitterness, along with fewer
fermentation defects. These findings suggest that LED photostimulation can optimize the natural fermentation
process by enhancing microbial growth, preserving texture, and improving sensory
qualities, potentially offering a sustainable approach to reducing fermentation time and
enhancing the quality of table olives. The study supports the application of LED light as
a promising strategy in the table olive industry, with implications for improving the
efficiency and quality of the traditional fermentation process.