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O Parque Natural de Montesinho (PNM) é uma área protegida caracterizada
por uma paisagem de relevo, onde as florestas de carvalhos Quercus pyrenaica
desempenham um papel predominante, sendo utilizados maioritariamente para a
produção de madeira, desprezando-se o valor dos frutos, a bolota, apesar dos seus
usos ancestrais na alimentação humana e animal. Este produto florestal não lenhoso
é nutricionalmente rico,nutricionalmente rico, apresentando elevados valores de
amido, proteínas, minerais e gordura. Em particular, o óleo extraído das bolotas
apresenta características comparáveis às do azeite, com uma composição rica em
compostos bioativos e, portanto, um maior potencial para ser considerado para fins
industriais. Alguns estudos relativos à bolotas de outras espécies descrevem o óleo
como uma fonte de ácidos gordos insaturados e compostos bioativos, sendo que a
informação relativa ao óleo de bolota de Q. pyrenaica é escassa. Este trabalho
proposto tem como principal objetivo avaliar os métodos de extração do óleo e a sua
composição do óleo extraído da bolota de Q. pyrenaica desses métodos, no sentido
de valorizar o produto. Para isso, para a otimização do processo de extração, duas
metodologias de extração, soxlhet e ultrasons, foram avaliadas para o conteúdo
lipídico, bem como o perfil em ácidos graxos, vitamina D e tocoferóis. Em resumo,
o método Soxhlet com hexano demonstrou ser eficiente, resultando em extratos
concentrados e de alta qualidade. Essa técnica se mostra promissora para estudos
de óleos vegetais, especialmente em espécies com potencial bioativo ainda pouco
explorado. O estudo reforça a importância de métodos de extração otimizados para
aumentar o rendimento e a qualidade dos compostos bioativos, tornando o Soxhlet
com hexano uma escolha recomendada para futuras pesquisas sobre essa espécie.
The Montesinho Natural Park (PNM) is a protected area characterized by a relief landscape, where Quercus pyrenaica oak forests play a predominant role, being used mainly for the production of wood, disregarding the value of the fruit, the acorn, despite its ancestral uses in human and animal food. This non-wood forest product is nutritionally rich, with high levels of starch, protein, minerals and fats. In particular, the oil extracted from acorns has characteristics comparable to those of olive oil, with a composition rich in bioactive compounds and therefore greater potential to be considered for industrial purposes. Some studies on the acorns of other species describe the oil as a source of unsaturated fatty acids and bioactive compounds, while information on the acorn oil of Q. pyrenaica is scarce.The main objective of this work is to evaluate oil extraction methods and the composition of the oil extracted from Q. pyrenaica acorns, in order to enhance the value of the product. T o this end, for the optimization of the extraction process, two methods, soxlhet and ultrasound, were evaluated for lipidic content, as well as the fatty acid profile of vD and tocopherols. This technique shows promise for studies of vegetable oils, especially in species with bioactive potential that has yet to be explored. The study reinforces the importance of optimized extraction methods to increase the yield and quality of bioactive compounds, making Soxhlet with hexane a recommended choice for future research on this species.
The Montesinho Natural Park (PNM) is a protected area characterized by a relief landscape, where Quercus pyrenaica oak forests play a predominant role, being used mainly for the production of wood, disregarding the value of the fruit, the acorn, despite its ancestral uses in human and animal food. This non-wood forest product is nutritionally rich, with high levels of starch, protein, minerals and fats. In particular, the oil extracted from acorns has characteristics comparable to those of olive oil, with a composition rich in bioactive compounds and therefore greater potential to be considered for industrial purposes. Some studies on the acorns of other species describe the oil as a source of unsaturated fatty acids and bioactive compounds, while information on the acorn oil of Q. pyrenaica is scarce.The main objective of this work is to evaluate oil extraction methods and the composition of the oil extracted from Q. pyrenaica acorns, in order to enhance the value of the product. T o this end, for the optimization of the extraction process, two methods, soxlhet and ultrasound, were evaluated for lipidic content, as well as the fatty acid profile of vD and tocopherols. This technique shows promise for studies of vegetable oils, especially in species with bioactive potential that has yet to be explored. The study reinforces the importance of optimized extraction methods to increase the yield and quality of bioactive compounds, making Soxhlet with hexane a recommended choice for future research on this species.
Bolota Carvalho negral Óleo Valor nutricional Composição química